Playing at Work
Up until April of 2022 when she retired, Luanne's "real" job was in the biotech industry, primarily in the realm of Documentation and Training. Her last position, as global Document Excellence Lead for the Error Prevention System, allowed her to travel (pre-pandemic) and later to teach people (remotely) all over the world about Error Prevention, Technical Writing and the deep secrets of Microsoft Word.
Luanne tended to be "resident songwriter" for all the companies for which she worked, but her last endeavor opened up the proverbial creative floodgate. She wrote a collection of witty songs that she shared with the employees she trained, the songs being somewhat of a "marketing" tool, getting people excited and keeping them engaged. Luanne went to China in 2015 and performed her Error Prevention songs for the company's Chinese New Year holiday party as they prepared to rollout the Error Prevention initiative.

Error Prevention is the first "Song of EPS" written by Luanne at the EPS Workshop she attended before becoming a member of the team. On day 2, she arrived with her ukulele and a satirical song she wrote the night before in her hotel, reflecting themes of the previous day's conversations, and sung to the tune of Anticipation by Carly Simon.
The next two songs were written with original words and music by Luanne to ensure no copyright infringement problems in China. They were produced by Matthias Klaus, Luanne's long-time collaborator and keyboard player with her band in Germany. Luanne brought the backing tracks with her on a thumb drive and sang along with them during her China Performance.
As well as writing songs, Luanne has created videos to go along with them, utilizing the software she uses to create training videos. Below is one example, and there are more on the following page.