When Covid's Over
by Luanne Crosby
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Whatta you gonna do when Covid’s over?
What you gonna do when Normals’ no longer new
I’m gonna hugmy family, and friends
The one’s I haven’t hugged Since god only knows when
Whatta ya gonna do when Covid’s over?
Where’s the first place that you’e gonna go?
We’re gonna stop at that little spot downtown
Unless of course they lost it all and had to close it down
Whatta we gonna do when Covid’s over?
I know it feels like that might never be
But when Covid’s over, we’ll come together
That’s something we just gotta believe!
If you’re alive
And If those you love survived
If you have food to eat
And a place to sleep
Cuz you weren’t tossed out on the street
A job that pays enough to live
With a little left that you can give
To those who need a helping hand
Cuz there’s not much justice in this land
Sure, we can complain
Life has been a drain
But now’s the time to Fight the fight
To make things fair, to make things right
That’s what we’ve gotta do when Covid’s over
that’s the thing that’ll make it worth the pain
When Covid’s over, you better believe
We never going down this road again!
Will we ever learn?
Will we ever by concerned
That people risk their lives
Every day
Just to go to work and get some pay
They’re more essential then we knew
And it’s time they get what they are due
Cuz on their backs big bucks are made
Now’s not the time to be afraid
Surely you can see
The inequality
Well Now’s the time to Fight the fight
TO make things fair
TO make things right
That’s what we gonna do when Covid’s over?
Right now it feels like that might never be
When Covid’s over, things have to change
And we won’t go back to the how they used to be